Aflamuna is a cultural nonprofit organization based in Beirut, dedicated to leveraging the power of independent Arab cinema to highlight pressing social, political, and cultural movements.

Formerly Beirut DC, Kite C.S. underwent a rebranding exercise into what is now Aflamuna. Aligned with Aflamuna's mission to empower filmmakers and audiences across the Arab region, Kite conceived an identity that brought together the different projects of the institution, and most importantly conveyed its role as a regional catalyst. The identity relays the core concept of transformative collaboration and narrative shift. The logotype acts like a see-through vessel through which alternative images and messages can be screened and is part of a dynamic sub-brand system where 3 programs and 10 projects are conceived through a typographic scheme. 

This project was conceived in collaboration with Khajag Apelian for Arabic type design and lettering. 

June 2023